What are the benefits of Seal Coating?
Restores Appearance:
Sealcoating provides a new looking, low-maintenance surface which will improve the appearance on any property.
Sun Blocker:
Protects asphalt from oxidation due to exposure to UV light from the sun. This oxidation turns driveways grey, and accelerates the degradation of the asphalt binder. A sealcoated service is significantly more resistant to oxidation than bare asphalt.
Sealer seals porous asphalt, which protects against water penetration and feeze/thaw damage, reducing cracking and protecting the base of the driveway from erosion.
Gas & Oil Resistant:
Asphalt is a product of the refining of petroleum, and as a result, it is vulnerable to attack by petroleum products. Gasoline spills and oil drips will ultimately eat away the asphalt binder and cause the pavement to fail. Sealer is made through a different process, and it is very resistant to petroleum products and other harsh chemicals.
Protects Your Investment:
Sealcoating can save real dollars for pavement owners. Many years of research has proven that proper maintenance including sealcoating can double the life of an asphalt pavement.